In this blog, we will be explaining the impact penis fillers has on your body and how long you should give it before you can have sex.
Dermal skin fillers or penis fillers have become incredibly popular as a way to thicken the penis. New treatments such as collagen stimulators are really making guys think about their choice of thickening their penis. It’s not just about penis girth surgery, although that still continues to be the choice for most, mainly because it lasts.
However, when you have your penis thickened there is one very important rule that is the same no matter how you have had your penis thickened.
That rule is in relation to sex. It is best if you can leave your penis to heal before engaging in any sexual activity. This includes
- Vaginal intercourse
- Anal intercourse
- Oral sex
- Manual stimulation
- Masturbation
This is because in the first days and weeks after treatment the material can migrate ( move) to another point on the penis. This migration causes lumps and bumps. These lumps and bumps can happen in any procedure to thicken the penis, but having sex too soon is one sure fire way to make sure it happens.
For example, sexual intercourse can force some filler back to the base and you can be left with a lump, usually to one side.
Previous advice regarding penis filler was to abstain from sex for one week. With fat transfer, it is four weeks. Leading Andrologists have now recommended that sex is out of the question also for four weeks. The longer you can leave it alone the better the result will be.
Four weeks is long enough if you have not had any post-treatment complications.
What can be done if you suddenly have sex, let’s say your mind goes blank?
Well, lumps and bumps can be treated. The earlier they are treated the better. In many cases, massage of the lumps makes a big improvement, but if the lumps are large medical intervention may be needed to sort them out for you.
If you are investing good sums of money to enlarge your penis, then it follows that you should invest in a little time without sex to make sure that you get the very best result possible.
Of course, the vast majority of men do exactly that. They are very compliant and want the best result possible. A few men have taken the plunge too early and are usually back at the clinic to get things sorted out. It’s not the end of the world if it happens, but it does mean more treatment to put things right again.
Above all else when considering using penis fillers make sure that you take the advice of your Doctor or Surgeon. Work with your Specialist and help him deliver the results that you are dreaming of
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