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Have you heard of Stress Urinary Incontinence?

What is Incontinence?

Incontinence can occur in men of all ages from young to adulthood. Incontinence is defined as the process of involuntary leaking urine and male urinary incontinence is usually caused by damage to the sphincter or an improperly functioning bladder.

What is Stress Incontinence?

Stress Urinary Incontinence or SUI for short, is the involuntary leakage of urine upon pressure such as coughing, sneezing or exertion.

Stress incontinence is most often caused by a weakening of or damage to the muscles used to prevent urination such as your pelvic floor muscles or urethral sphincter. The pressure inside your bladder as it fills with urine becomes greater than the strength of your urethra to stay closed and so, any sudden extra pressure on your bladder such as that caused by laughing or sneezing will cause urine to leak out of your urethra.

How can you help me?

Moorgate Andrology and Gynaecology can help you to overcome your Stress Urinary Incontinence by inserting an artificial sphincter into your body with a 3-part urinary control system.

Introducing the AMS 800 UCS

The AMS 800 Urinary Control System restores continence to your body giving control back to you. A completely concealed, implanted and fluid-filled solid silicone elastomer device, the AMS 800 Urinary Control System mimics the natural sphincter function by opening and closing the urethra at the control of the patient.

Stress Urinary Incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine caused by pressure. This can be from coughing, sneezing or upon exertion. 

Genital Surgery

Is Urinary Stress Incontinence common?

Over 43 million men worldwide suffer from urinary incontinence. Of those, approximately 10.4 million suffer from Stress Urinary Incontinence so you are not alone. (ref: Irwin C, Kopp Z, Agatep B, Milsom I, Abrams P. Worldwide prevalence estimates of lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and bladder outlet obstruction. BJU Int. 2011;108:1134)

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in finding out more, make an appointment for an initial consultation today. We can go through some facts and figures with you and explain all the different options that we offer.


What can I do to help with my Urinary Stress Incontinence?

It is recommended to speak with your Doctor should you suspect you have developed Stress Urinary Incontinence. However, there are certain lifestyle adjustments you can make to give yourself some temporary relief from your Stress Urinary Incontinence:

  • You should limit your fluid intake and take regular bathroom breaks to empty your bladder. This will result in less strain on your bladder and sphincter muscles.
  • You should also avoid drinking caffeine products or alcohol as these can stimulate your bladder and increase the likelihood of leakage from your Stress Urinary Incontinence.
  • Losing weight if you are overweight or obese has been known to help with the reduction of leakage from Stress Urinary Incontinence.
  • Additionally, conducting exercises with your pelvic floor muscles, called kegel exercises, may provide you with some further temporary relief from your Stress Urinary Incontinence.

How can I treat my Urinary Stress Incontinence?

Speaking with your GP is the recommended course of action to treat your Stress Urinary Incontinence.

There are two categories of treatment options available for your Stress Urinary Incontinence and most methods fall into these:

Non-surgical treatment is available through the use of absorbent adult incontinence products such as diapers or pads. External penile clamps can also be applied and there is also the option of Interior and exterior penile catheters should you wish to avoid surgery. In addition there is also medicine available to treat Stress Urinary Incontinence if you are unsuitable for surgery which will help to increase the muscle tone of the urethra helping to keep it closed.

The surgical option available to you at Moorgate Andrology is the AMS 800 Urinary Control System. The AMS 800 Urinary Control System is an artificial sphincter entirely placed inside your body with a 3-part urinary control system.

The AMS 800 Urinary Control System works by fitting an inflatable cuff around the urethra. The cuff inflates and keeps it closed, thereby keeping urine in the bladder. To urinate, you squeeze the scrotal pump several times which deflates the cuff and in doing so opens the urethra and allows urine to exit the body.

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