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Will my treatment be kept confidential?

Patient confidentiality is taken very seriously here. Most people who visit our consultation centres and hospitals choose to tell absolutely nobody about the treatment or surgery they are about to have. That’s fine of course, after all, it’s a personal thing. It can help to have the support of a loved one or friend, even if it’s just to get you to the hospital or treatment centre and home again after surgery.

Whatever your wishes we put you first.

At Moorgate Andrology and Gynaecology we treat the famous and not so famous, but every Patient is given the same levels of confidentiality, you can be assured of that.

Many Patients ask us if we need to inform their Doctor. The answer is usually “ no”. However, if you have any pre-existing medical conditions sometimes the Doctor or Specialist treating you may request that we contact your GP or Specialist for more information, before your procedure can be performed.

Should this be the case we will always ask your permission first.

Most of the communication about your procedure, other than the consultations, will be by email and/or phone.

You will also have a direct line to our Patient care department after your surgery or treatment where you can chat directly with our Patient care department before or after your procedure for help and advice. You will also be assigned your own Patient Co-ordinator who will be a point of contact for you throughout your journey with Moorgate.

When you arrive at a Moorgate Consultation centre or hospital it’s understandable to feel a bit self-conscious. Just so you know, we carry out a wide range of genital procedures for men and women you will find our team welcoming and reassuring

Lastly, our team are trained in Patient confidentiality and understand the need to keep things totally private. We are always looking for ways in which we can improve our service in this regard and please feel free to share any ideas you may have with your Patient Co-ordinator if you think we could be even better.

In all matters medical, patient confidentiality is the cornerstone of everything. At Moorgate Andrology we take your privacy very seriously.


Want to learn more?

If you are interested in finding out more, make an appointment for an initial consultation today. We can go through some facts and figures with you and explain all the different options that we offer.