It has been almost twelve years now since we introduced the penis filler procedure to the United Kingdom.
The stalwart of penis enhancement options up this point was penis enlargement surgery, which remains ever popular today.
Of the non-surgical enhancement options up to this point, it was really only penis extenders that offered any potential long term benefits to enlarge the penis.
In this article we will explore how penis fillers can enhance confidence and performance for men
What are penis fillers ?
When we talk about penis fillers, we are referring to a man-made synthetic material that is injected into the penis to make it thicker. For the most part this material is hyaluronic acid which is mostly used to fill in wrinkles in the face and depressions in the cheeks. There are other products that can also increase penis size such as collagen stimulating injections, more about those later.
Hyaluronic acid has a long track record of safety when properly injected by a qualified practitioner. It is injected into the penis in much greater quantities than it is injected into the face of course. One of the first questions patients ask is, how much penis filler should I have to boost my confidence?. In most cases, and in the first treatment, between 10 and 20ml will be injected into the penis shaft.
The increase in size from this treatment will depend on the volume of filler injected and the length of the penis. It follows that the more filler that is injected the thicker the penis will be, and the longer the penis is the more filler it will take.
A rule of thumb is that at 20ml the penis will be about one inch thicker , more or less, depending on the length.
Since we brought penis fillers to the UK , it has become widely accepted that men are turning to penis fillers for confidence.
How penis fillers enhance confidence
Many men lack confidence because they are worried about their penis size. It can hold them back in forming relationships, and in worst cases lead to depression and loneliness.
We know that penis fillers can boost male confidence and lead to increased confidence and self esteem. As a non-surgical penis enhancement, we also know they work.
Many men have statistically a normal size penis, yet still lack confidence in their relationships because they feel their penis is too small. For this group of men whilst penis fillers can help, sometimes they also would benefit from counselling or similar advice. Penis fillers cannot solve all of life’s problems of course.
For others , they know that they have a small penis. This can be devastating for many. They avoid gym, sport and sexual relationships as a result. No amount of counselling or words of support can change their mind and make them feel better about themselves.
Penis fillers can increase both the flaccid and erect girth. The weight of the filler on the penis can also make it hang to a lower positon. These two benefits can dramatically change the size of the penis and boost male confidence. Man’s self-esteem and body image is just as important as that of women, and men are now turning to procedures to boost their self-esteem in all areas of the body, including the penis. This is how penis fillers can improve self confidence.
How penis fillers can help performance
Men who are worried about the size of their penis may be affected in the bedroom. They fear that they may be ridiculed by their sexual partners because of their penis size. This can lead of more problems such as erectile dysfunction where men struggle to gain or maintain an erection. Many men have told us that cutting remarks made by previous partner about their penis size have left a lasting effect and caused a massive drop in self-confidence and as a result performance anxiety. Men with a small penis fear that they will not be able to satisfy their partners sexually.
But do penis fillers improve sexual performance ?. This is a difficult one to answer. Here at Moorgate Andrology we see the increase in confidence that penis fillers give to men, and they tell us that they are now back out there forming new relationships and enjoying sex once again. In turn their anxieties about being able to satisfy a partner sexually are dramatically reduced, this therefore improving sexual performance directly or indirectly. We see the impact of penis fillers before and after.
Safety considerations
Although penis fillers have been around for a decade now, one should be very careful when choosing a practitioner. We see a rise in facial practitioners now injecting penis fillers. This is a worrying trend because injecting the penis with filler is not the same as injecting the face. The anatomy is completely different and we always recommend choosing a qualified Urologist for this treatment. Urologists have specialist training in genital anatomy and procedures. At Moorgate Andrology we only work with GMC Urologists registered with the general medical council in the United Kingdom. Although penis fillers are a non-invasive male enhancement, they do come with risks which you will want to mitigate by choosing an appropriate practitioner.
Another concerning factor is the use of semi-permanent fillers for penis enlargement. The attraction of these is that they can last longer than hyaluronic acid injections, but they come with added risk. Lump and bump formations after treatment can be extremely difficult to treat and can sometimes require surgery to remove them. This is why we do not recommend them for penis enlargement.
We always advise patients to stick with safe enhancement solutions, in professional hands, such as penis fillers or penis enlargement surgery.
Penis fillers can enhance both confidence , self-esteem and performance in the right hands. Although they have only been in the United Kingdom for just over a decade, we see them rising more in popularity over the coming years. There are concerns about unqualified practitioners entering the market as with other rejuvenation procedures, but providing that patients choose a qualified and experienced Urologist for their penis filler treatment, they are considered a safe non-surgical way to make the penis bigger without surgery. When it comes to a choice of non surgical procedures we would advise looking no further than hyaluronic acid injections for the penis. Although these treatments need repeating to maintain the results, they are considered generally safe. Longer lasting penis fillers such as with collagen stimulating injections are considered and accepted as much higher risk of complications that may require surgical intervention to correct them.
An alternative to penis fillers would be penis enlargement surgery which can give a permanent increase in penis size. Both options will increase the penis size , but men are often attracted to fillers because they are cheaper and with a faster recovery than surgery. It should be noted that both options have the potential to increase self-esteem and confidence.
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