There is no doubt that penis enlargement surgery abroad is cheaper than in the United Kingdom.
This is true of many cosmetic surgery procedures of course, but penis enlargement surgery has a relatively recent history in terms of popularity, and if you are going to go abroad for the surgery, you must choose wisely.
All surgery carries risks of course. Most patients do not experience postoperative complications, but you need to consider what you would do if you got one.
In penis enlargement surgery the worst complication is an infection of the silicone buffer. This is an implant that’s used to keep the divided ligaments apart after the penis has been made longer.
Make sure that a silicone buffer is on offer. If it’s done without one your penis will shorten and could end up shorter than it was before.
An infection of the buffer means it needs to be taken out in another surgery, and quickly.
This would mean another trip abroad which will be costly and inconvenient. Any savings made on the surgery would certainly start to wane by the time you have paid a flight and accommodation, not to mention lost earnings from work. We don’t know of a cosmetic surgery clinic abroad that would cover this eventuality.
After a fat transfer, it’s possible to get some lump and bump formations that require some remedial treatment, or worse another surgery. Again, you would either have to go back abroad to fix it or pay a UK penis enlargement clinic to put it right. Neither option is particularly attractive.
A starting point of course is to check out the qualifications of the Surgeon. Our advice is to only consider a fully qualified Urologist as a minimum. If the company website is advertising other cosmetic surgery procedures such as breast enlargement surgery, liposuction, and facelifts, you have to ask yourself if this place really has the experience you would want in penis enlargement surgery.
It’s also very difficult to do your homework on clinics abroad. In the UK, you have reference points such as the GMC, General Medical Council, where you can check the qualifications and god standing of the Surgeon. There are review sites such as Trustpilot where you can get some feedback on patients who have been to the clinic. This may be tricky if you are trying to do the same for a clinic on the other side of the world.
Regulations in healthcare vary enormously across the world and we advise spending time and doing some research on the location.
Cosmetic surgery abroad is very popular for procedures such as breast enlargement, but perhaps penis enlargement surgery is not quite there yet.
You can find out our thoughts on penis enlargement in Turkey in a separate blog.
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