At Moorgate Andrology your safety and well being are of paramount importance.
There are a number of steps that we must take to prepare you well for your penis enlargement surgery.
In order to do this, we need your help.
Here we outline the key points that you need to consider and help us understand on your road to a successful surgery outcome.
- Your Medical History
It is vital that you disclose all aspects of your past and current medical history to us. This includes previous illnesses and operations you may have had. Tell us about any medications you are taking or have taken in the past. We will need to know if you have any allergies. Tell us everything, even if you think it could be of no consequence. The important thing is everything can be assessed and considered to ensure your safety. If you negate to inform us of something that you know , it could affect our decision to proceed with your surgery and may lead to postponement or cancellation
- GP Summary
A GP summary is a small document that details your past medical history and any medications that you may be taking. It is an important document that you will be asked to obtain from your family Doctor and send to us. In these times GPs are very busy so we advise contacting them as soon as you have had your consultation and reserved your surgery date. We must have a GP summary in order to compete your pre operative assessment
- Getting to and from the hospital
If you are having a general anaesthetic then you will not be able to go home alone. Its important that you arrange for someone to collect you from the hospital when you are discharged. If this is not possible and you wat to keep everything completely confidential, we can either arrange for one of our drivers to take you home, or arrange for an overnight stay in the hospital.
- Attending for tests
As part of the assessment process you may need to have some tests before your operation can go ahead. These may include routine tests such as a covid test and MRSA screen. These are simple swab tests that you will do at home and put in the post. It is important that these tests are done on the day that you are asked to do them. If you do the tests too early or too late your operation date may have to be changed. It is also important to attend on time for a y other tests that may be required. These may include blood tests, chest x –ray or ECG.
- Attending for consultations
You will be required to attend the hospital for consultation with the Urologist. The initial consultation may be on video, but however they are arranged it is vital that you do not miss them. Consultations are important for the medical team to carry out a proper assessment and also for you to ask any questions and understand the procedure in detail.
- Time off work
Almost all surgical procedures will require you to take some time off work. The time off work will depend on the type of surgery that you are having and the nature of your work. For example, if you have a job that involves a lot of heavy lifting you may be advised to take some more time off work than someone with a sedentary job. The type of operation you are having may also be a factor in the time needed off work. Your Urologist will advise you on the likely time needed. Of course, this will also depend on the speed of your recovery and this can vary from patient to patient.
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