So here it is, Viagra is now available at your local chemist. Take a look, you cannot miss it. When I popped into my local pharmacy it was at eye level just behind the pharmacist, on the same shelves as headache medication, how ironic is that?
The question is, how many men who don’t need it for erectile dysfunction are going to buy it?
There are bound to be lots of purchases from guys who want to buy some for a laugh. I suspect that Pharmacists will soon latch onto this if they haven’t already. I can’t be sure what questions they ask before you buy some, there may well be a list, but heaven help the guy that asks to answer them while in the middle of a shop full of customers all waiting for their prescriptions to be made up.
Taking medications without asking your Doctor first, could be a sign of trouble. If you are taking other medications then beware that some medications don’t go well together. One medication can actually stop another from working, and you wouldn’t want that. If you are going to buy some Viagra over the counter then be sure to let the pharmacist know if you are taking anything else. Even herbal remedies are worth mentioning, don’t leave anything to chance.
If you don’t have erection problems, like erectile dysfunction, then why are you taking it?
Maybe you would just like a really hard erection. You will have heard of the stories of some men that after taking a Viagra their erection has been harder than they can ever remember. What’s more they can last much longer as a result. It’s true that a harder, firmer erection may be nice for your partner, but if she is happy anyway then think again.
Then there are the side effects. Not everyone will experience side effects of course but to have them for a drug that you don’t need may seem futile. Side effects from Sildenafil include headache, nausea, flushes, back pain and muscle ache.
If your erections are there when you want them, nice and hard (you haven’t had any complaints) and you have the good old “morning glory” then the chances are you don’t need any medication to push on your erections.
The truth is that at some point in your life, usually into old age, you may need a little help from the magic blue pill. You will certainly know when that day comes.
Wait for that day and in the meantime be proud that your erections are as good as the next guys.
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