What happens in a Penis enlargement Consultation in London ?

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A consultation is the most important step when consideirng penis enlargement surgery in London.

If you are thinking about having penis enlargement surgery then you need to get all of the facts first. Forget most of what you may have read on the internet. You must get the right information from the penis enlargement surgeon. He is the Doctor who is performing these operations every day. He know the benefits risks and complications of penis enlargement surgery and you need to hear them from him.

Some men are wary of booking a consultatin for penis enlargement surgery. They are worried about what will happen, what the Surgeon might think of them for attending for the procedure, even if they will be rejected for surgery.

There is no need to worry. Remember that penis enlargement surgery is something that is a daiy part of the Surgeons life. Ths is what he does for a living and you will not be the first Patient that he has seen or the procedure !

Most consultatins usually begin by the Surgeon asking you some medical questions. He is going to need to be sure that you are fit and well enough for surgery. He will ask you general questions about your health and ask details of any previous operations that you may have had. He will also want to know if you are taking any medication ( it can be a goood idea to take any medication along with you )

When a medical history has been taken, the Surgeon may then move on to discuss the procedure. Uusally the Surgeon has a formula for doing this as he knows that he cannot miss out any vital information that you need to know. The order of this information can vary from Patient to Patient of course, but typically it will include the following sections.

What is penis enlargement surgery ?
The procdure of length and thickness gain. How the procedure is done.
The risks and potential complications of the procedure.
Aftercare. What to do after surgery.
What will happen on the day of your operation
What he can do , versus what he cant do ( managing your expctations )

This usually take around half an hour to forty five minutes. It is likely that you will then have the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. Remember that it is a good tip to write down any questions you do have, before you attend the consultation. On the day of the consultation you might be feeling a bit nervous and it is easy to forget to ask everything at the time. Also, most Surgeons are impressed with lists of questions from Patients , as it tells them that you have thought about the procedure carefully and you are taking the whole process seriously.

At some point the Surgeon will conduct a physical examination. Dont be embarrased by this. I know you think you have a small penis, but this Surgeon will more than likely have seen smaller than yours. Again, this is is his work, its all part of the daily routine for him.

Usually, you will asked again if you have any questions and if not, thats the end of the consultation.

The Surgeon will tell you to take time to think about what has been said in the consultation and to get back to him if you decide that you would like to proceed with penis enlargement surgery at his clinic.

You may be given some written information which will be a broad account of what was discussed in the consultation. It will be a reference point for you as you deliberate what to do.

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