Men are travelling to London for penis enlargement surgery from all corners of the Unitd Kingdom. Because this surgery is performed only by a handful of Surgeons, it is not widely available. London is the most popular city for penis enlargement surgery, which may not come as a surprise.
However, some men are worried about having to travel for surgery if they live a long distance from London. They are reluctant to be away from home and worry about post operative care.
The good news here is that penis enlargement surgery is a day case procedure. This means that you dont have to stay overnight in hospital. Patients have their surgery and go home after a short recovery period. It is always advised that they go home accompanied by a friend or partner. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and sedation so driving home is not an option.
Of course, some men decide to stay overnight in a hotel and travel back on the following day. Others even take a few days out to relax in London after the surgery.
Remember, that you are going to have to go back to London for check ups with your Surgeon. These are really important and you must be prepared to return to the Surgeon to monitor progress after surgery.
The most important aspect when looking for a penis enlargement surgeon is to select a surgeon that you feel comfirtable with. One who gives you confidence. You may need to return a periodic intervals for fat injection top ups if you have had thickening of the penis performed, so it could be a long standing relationship with yur penis enlargement surgeon, so choose wisely.
It is unlikely that you are going to find a penis enlargement surgeon on your dorstep. Dont let a little travel put you off and focus on getting the highest quality surgery and care. All roads may not lead to London for penis enlargement surgery, but you may find that most do !
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