Whether you suffer with erectile dysfunction or simply wish to enlarge your penis and make it more erect during intercourse, you may have considered buying a penis pump to help you have a more satisfying sex life as well as help increase your confidence. Penis pumps are readily available and can easily be bought online. Once you give them a try, the manufacturers promise the pump will fix your several problems and give you larger, harder erections. But is this true?
What is a Penis Pump?
A penis pump is a device that is designed to help you enjoy an increase in size to your penis as well as lasting longer during intercourse. They are often marketed to help combat erectile dysfunction, although they cannot cure the symptoms directly.
A penis pump uses an air vacuum which will help to draw blood to the penis. As a result, it can give your sex life a significant improvement by helping you achieve and maintain better erections.
There are many different types of penis pump on the market today, which can make shopping for one a little complicated. It is important to work out what exactly you hope to get out of using a penis pump in order to determine which kind is right for you.
Do Penis Pumps Really Work?
Once you’ve got your hands on your brand-new penis pump, you’ll no doubt be excited to start using it and seeing the results. But before doing so, it is important to familiarise yourself with the product and make sure that you understand the best ways to be able to use it to achieve your goals. What is it you want out of a penis pump?
If you are looking to cure erectile dysfunction completely, that is not going to happen with a penis pump. However, penis pumps can be of great help to those suffering with the condition. While they cannot help you get an erection to begin with, using a pump will increase blood flow to the penis and help you maintain your erection for much longer once you have it, helping you to stay hard until you and your partner are ready to stop.
If you are looking to make your penis appear bigger and harder you will be guaranteed success with a good quality penis pump. You should aim to use your penis pump for around 10 minutes every day, even on days you don’t plan to have sex. You should also use it shortly before having sex to ensure your erection is at its best before intercourse.
How Long Will a Penis Pump make my Penis Bigger For?
The key to success with a top-quality penis pump is consistent use. This means starting out through using for a couple of minutes every day, and gradually build up the time you use it each day. Try to keep this going for 12 months, and you will see results over the longer period of time.
If penis pumps aren’t working for you, and you wish to try a more proven method of penis enlargement, why not get in touch and see what we can do for you. We offer both penis enlargement surgery and penis enlargement injections to suit all needs.
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