If you suffer from erectile dysfunction then one of the first medications that may come to your mind is Viagra. It’s the one that the whole world has heard of. That little blue pill that sends blood to your penis in a way that it did when you were younger.
If you have just discovered that you can’t get or keep an erection then you are probably thinking about the options. If the problem is blood flow then Viagra is certainly an option. The first thing to check of course is why you can’t get an erection.
You may know already of course, or it may be a complete mystery. Guys can have erectile dysfunction for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is not always physical. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider Viagra for non-physical erection problems:
- You have been depressed and your libido is low.
- You have not had sex for a long time and this makes you anxious.
- You recall previous unsatisfactory sexual encounters and this has had an effect.
Even if there are non-physical problems you should always seek advice from a Doctor or Andrologist before jumping into treatment.
There are a host of illnesses that can inhibit your erections. If you have any of these already then you will already know that these are killing your sex life. Thankfully Viagra can help in many of these cases.
- Diabetes
- High Blood pressure
- Prostate problems
- Heart conditions
The great thing about oral medication is that it’s easier than just about any other option. You just pop a pill when you need to and hey presto your erection is there and off you go.
If Viagra doesn’t work for you, or it stops working, then there are other treatments that are a natural follow on from Viagra. The next line of defence in the battle against impotence are injections. These are self administered just before you have sex. If the dose is right then they work perfectly. However, some men don’t get on very well with injections because they get in the way of sex. You have to stop having sex to self inject, the moment is sometimes lost, shall we say. The great thing about Viagra is that you simply pop the pill and it does not get in the way of sex at all.
If the injections are not your thing, then there are penile implants. These are usually the last line of defence. They are expensive but they give you an erection mechanically without any drug therapy.
Compared to oral medication they are much more expensive of course. However, many men like the idea of bypassing injections and going for the penile implant when their Viagra no longer does the business for them.
This wonder pill has transformed many men’s sex lives and will continue to do so. It has saved many marriages and will save many more, there’s little doubt about that.
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