FUPA, slang for “fat upper pubic area,” refers to the extra fat that forms just above your pubic hairline. Perhaps its an area you and those most intimate to you notice, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it. Spot reduction of your FUPA with time. You gain and lose weight in a set pattern – everyone has different “problem” areas, and your pubic region may be yours. Only overall fat loss will help you slim down enough to lose your FUPA. Alternatively, you could opt for pubic lift surgery here at Moorgate!
Understand Pubic Area Fat
Your body stores fat in adipose, or fat, cells throughout your body. Some people have an abundance of cells in certain areas, which causes weight to concentrate there. This is usually a result of genetics, but women may develop in the pubic area after having children because the muscles in the area become lax. A poor diet loaded with alcohol, sugar and refined grains can also cause fatty deposits on your body, including in the upper pubic area.
You can clean up your diet, limit your calories, exercise to develop muscle in your lower abdomen and lose weight all over, but you can’t directly target a fatty pubic area for fat loss. The good news is, when you eat fewer calories than you burn, your body mobilises fat stores for energy from all over your body. Eventually, your pubic region will slim down with this strategy, along with other fat stories in your body.
Use an online calculator to determine how many calories you burn a day to maintain your current weight. You will need to input your height, weight, age, gender and activity level to get the correct number of calories. Then, create a deficit of 250 to 1000 calories per day from this number with diet and exercise. You will lose a pound when you eat 3,500 calories fewer than you burn, so this deficit will yield a ½ to 2-pound weekly weight loss. Make sure you eat at least 1200 calories per day if you are a woman, or 1800 if you are a man, to prevent metabolic slowdown and nutritional deficiencies.
As well as removing excess FUPA, pubic lift surgery could make the penis appear bigger! The procedure involves using liposuction to remove the fat, then a surgeon will remove any excess skin tissue.
Eat a Quality Diet
Along with controlling your calorie intake, clean up your diet by choosing high quality, unprocessed foods. White bread, white rice and other refined grains could be interfering with weight loss, even if you have restricted calories, as they can quickly raise your blood sugar and spike your insulin level of whole grains, such as brown rice or 100% whole wheat bread, instead of refined grains.
Protein low in saturated fat, such as grilled chicken, lean ground beef and fish, should also be included at your meals. Aim to eat about 0.6 grams of protein per pound of your body weight daily; this amount helps you feel most satisfied and preserves lean muscle as you reduce calories. Include liberal amounts of watery, fibrous vegetables and fresh fruits, too. They have few calories, lots of nutrients and plenty of fibre that also helps keep you feeling full.
If you’re interested in having pubic lift surgery then contact ushere at Moorgate to book a consultation!
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