Penis Enlargement without Surgery
On our recent travels across Europe we found ourselves in the company of some of the worlds top Aesthetic Doctors offering penis enlargement without surgery.
Penis enlargement has had a bad press over the years and we have to say that most of it seems justified. It is not a recognised procedure and many professional organizations for Plastic Surgeons recommend that Surgeons do not attempt to carry out this operation.
The Surgical procdedure is performed by cutting the suspensory ligament which makes the penis hang to a lower position. This gives a small increase but not on the scale that some clinics seem to claim. An increase in the girth can be obtained by transfering fat into the penis, both the lengthening and girth enhancment can be done at the same time.
It seems to us that this is a procedure that needs to be carried out by a very skilled Plastic Surgeon. Many men are still having it done which suggests that some Surgeons somwhere are having success. However if you are considering penis enlargement then you really do need to do your homework first.
Under normal circumstances you can get a referral from someone else, but this is not a nose job and men who have undergone penie enlargement are usually not too keen on telling anyone.
So it was with interest that we heard of a non surgical technique now bring used to enhance the size of the penis without resorting to surgery.
An increase in penile size can now be acheived with hyaluronic acid such as restylane. This is injected into the penis in the same way that is is injected into facial lines and wrinkles to plump up the skin. Doctors report good results and of course the attraction is that there is no surgery involved and no downntime.
A good increase and shape can be obtained. Shape was one of the trouble spots in surgery. Surgeons found it difficult to control the placement of the fat transfered and many men complained of a lumpy , uneven looking penis. With products such as restylane the Doctor has much more control of the amount of product used and where exactly it is placed.
We see this procedure becoming much more popular in northern europe over the next ten years. There is a demand for this procedure and this could be a safer, simpler alternative.
So what are the downsides to this procedure. Well, the obvious one that springs to mind if the longevity of the results. Hyaluonic acid does not last forever when it is injected into the face. In fact most people who have it to remove wrinkles will get around six months out of the treatment before they need a top up. So you will need to have this treatment topped up at similar intervals.
It is certainly one to consider before going under the knife though.
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