At Moorgate Andrology, we see more and more women every year opting for vaginal rejuvenation surgery Theories abound as to why women are increasingly choosing to change the appearance of their vagina. However, its not just about appearance. Women choose vaginal rejuvenation procedures due to functional issues such as pain or discomfort. In other cases they seek procedures because they are embarrassed about the way the vagina looks, to the extent that they avoid personal relationships. This has a knock on effect on their mental health.
Although vaginal rejuvenation surgery has many benefits and many women see their lives changed by these procedures, there is always an element of risk associated with them. The pros and cons of vaginal rejuvenation surgery have to be calculated case by case. The important thing is that if you are considering such procedures you are in a position where you can make an informed choice.
In this article we will explore those pros and cons to try and provide some clarity and understanding. However, as we always say, nothing can replace a consultation with a medical professional to discuss your case personally.
Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery procedures
Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is a collective term used to describe a number of surgical techniques and procedures. Sometimes, these procedures may be performed together to produce the best outcome, in other cases only one of them may be required.
The most common vaginal rejuvenation surgery procedures are
1. Labiaplasty
Arguably one of the most popular procedures. Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure usually performed under general anaesthetic and it takes around one hour. The surgery has a focus on reshaping and/or reducing the size and appearance of the inner labia. The ideal outcome is to try and ensure that both the inner and outer labia are flush with one another.
2. Vaginoplasty
This is also a surgical procedure to tighten the muscles of the vagina. It is popular after multiple childborths where the muscles of the vagina have become weak and slackened. Vaginoplasty surgery can lead to increased sexual satisfaction due t the tightening effect of the surgery. This procedure takes around two hours and is performed under general anaesthetic.
3. Clitoral Hood Reduction Surgery
This is a common procedure sometimes performed together with a labiaplasty or vaginoplasty. In this procedure the fold of skin that covers the clitoris is reshaped or reduced in size. Clitoral Hood Reduction Surgery is usually performed to improve the appearance of the vagina, but it can also result in increased sexual satisfaction because the clitoris is further exposed.
The Pros of Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery
1. Increased sexual satisfaction
Increased sexual satisfaction is a common advantage of vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Procedures such as vaginoplasty where sexual satisfaction may be diminished because of the laxity of the vaginal muscles, can greatly improve sexual satisfaction. Similarly , excessive or protruding inner labia can mean women put off personal relationships which can lead of anxiety and depression. Mental health can often be greatly improved as a result of vaginal rejuvenation surgery.
2. Improvements in the appearance
Again, procedures such as labiaplasty can significantly improve the look of the vagina. Many women choose vaginal rejuvenation surgery to improve the appearance of their genitalia. These procedures not only improve appearance but again can have a positive impact on mental health.
3. Freedom from pain or discomfort
Protruding inner labia for example can cause pain and discomfort. Many women find that this can also cause difficulties with sexual intercourse. It may also restrict their daily lives, avoiding sporting activities or gym , for example. Pain and discomfort issues should always be addressed and vaginal rejuvenation surgery can greatly improve the quality of life for women who are experiencing pain or discomfort because of these issues.
4. Improvement in mental health
We have already touched on the improvements in mental health that these procedures can bring. Pain and discomfort, embarrassment , all can take their toll on mental health. Many women who undergo vaginal rejuvenation surgery find a new lease of life after these procedures.
The Cons of Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery
1. Risks and complications of these procedures
Let’s be clear, all procedures both surgical and non-surgical carry potential risks, even in the best hands. Most patients who undergo these procedures do so without any complications and they go on to make a full recovery. However, they are a part of medical procedures and you must accept them when you go for them.
At your consultation the Specialist will explain what these potential complications are and the chances of getting them. Most procedures will result in some side effects of course. These may include bruising and swelling , but these always settle with time. More serious side effect that would require further treatment include, but are not limited to, infection, bleeding increasing pain, scars, skin necrosis and poor aesthetic outcome.
2. The fees
Unless the national health service is going to carry out this procedure for you, then you will need to bear the cost of funding the procedure yourself. The cost of some surgical procedure can be significant. The costs can be mitigated of course by options such as finance. And being able to spread the cost over a few years. Nonetheless, you should consider the cost carefully and how you would fund it.
3. Are you doing this for yourself?
There is no doubt that some women proceed with surgical procedures to rejuvenate their vaginas due to external pressures. These can come from partners and wanting to satisfy them. Or they may come from areas such as social medical for example, as society puts pressure on women to look in a certain way. When women succumb to surgical procedures for these reasons they can often end in disappointment and regret.
It is vitally important to make sure that you are not under any external pressure to have a surgical procedure ( of any kind). If you think this may be the case then make sure that you discuss this with a medical professional, such as your GP
4. Unrealistic expectations.
Most Specialists will try very hard to ensure that you have realistic expectations of the procedure. Thy will take time in consultation to explain both the upsides and potential downsides of the procedure. Despite this, some women have unrealistic expectations as to what can be achieved. Either because they misunderstood what was told of them in the consultation, or perhaps they just didn’t listen.
The outcome of course is disappointment which is not a good situation either for the patient or the Specialist. Therefore it is paramount to understand before embarking on a surgical journey what exactly can and cannot be achieved from the procedure.
5. Results may not last
For many women a single surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure may be all that is required for the rest of their lives. However, we cannot overlook the effect of time on our bodies. Without or without vaginal rejuvenation surgery it will continue to age. This may mean the procedure may have to be repeated at a later date. This will mean another surgical procedure and additional cost. Make sure that you have an open conversation with your Specialist so you have an understanding of the potential longevity of the results.
6. Impact on mental health
Although most women who undergo vaginal rejuvenation surgery experience improved mental health afterwards this is not always the case. If your expectations are not for example, your mental health may suffer. Similarly, if you experience a complication that requires further treatment or even surgery, this can cause anxiety and stress.
Rarely, after one procedure some women embark on a series of further procedures in an effort to achieve further improvements. This can be a significant financial and emotional burden over time.
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