Since at least the late 1990s, there has been a boom industry within professional wrestling: that of the autobiography and the shoot interview. These are tell-all interviews conducted with some of the biggest (and some of the smallest) names in the business, lasting anywhere from two to eight hours, which shine a spotlight on the hidden world of professional wrestling backstage area.
Naturally, one of the questions that comes up is who has what going on between their legs. In an industry where these guys share car rides, hotel rooms and locker rooms with one another, it’s only natural that the matter should come up.
These then, are the three guys with the biggest penises in professional wrestling, according to the guys who were around to see them.
No less an authority than ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin took Raven to task for walking around naked in front of his then wife Debra. There were plenty of other guys in a state of undress (it being a locker room, after all), but Raven got heat from Austin because he was the only one whose penis size Stone Cold found intimidating.
Lord Alfred Hayes
If you’re a kid of the eighties, you’ll remember his lordship playing second fiddle on the announce team to people like Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura. Urbane, sophisticated, and with a definite Home Counties accent, he was the epitome of British upper class. Also, according to ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper, in his autobiography In Piper’s Pit, the man had a bigger penis than anyone he’d ever met.
2 Cold Scorpio
An icon in Japan and on the US independent scene for over 25 years, Scorpio has earned a reputation backstage for having a colossal penis. Many performers have confirmed it in shoot interviews, while Mick Foley famously referred to Scorpio as a “genitalactic freak of nature” in his New York Times bestselling autobiography.
Not everybody is born a professional wrestler or a locker room hero, but there’s no need to be despondent. Anybody can improve the size of their own manhood with penis enlargement surgery. This simple procedure is available at Moorgate Aesthetics, so call us today 03300 244 858 and make that change.
Arm Lock by Paolo Camera licensed under Creative commons 4
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