Since the beginning of time, the topic of penis size has provoked no shortage of discussion.
There is a perception out there that suggests the larger the penis, the more masculine the man. This is a complete falsity as even well-endowed men could be suffering from a testosterone deficiency, which would have a far greater impact on perceived manliness.
Size won’t hold you back
In physical health terms, size doesn’t matter. The main functions of the penis are to aid in sexual reproduction and excrete urine. If a man struggles in either department, it will never be down to a small penis. For example, sexual reproduction could be made impossible by undescended testicles.
In psychological terms, however, size can matter. Popular culture, and the media in general, tells us that bigger is almost always better. From muscle size and height to penis size — the enduring message is that “bigger is better.”
Women worry about size, too
Women are not immune from the “bigger is better” mentality, which would perhaps explain why breast enlargement procedures have never been in greater demand.
For men who are unhappy with their penis size, there are ways to enhance the appearance of it.
The reproductive area is extremely delicate and it is understandable that anyone would have serious reservations before signing up for penis enlargement surgery.
Explore your options:
Before going down that road, there are a couple of simple, less-intrusive measures that can be explored.
1. Shave your pubic hair: By shaving off your pubic hair you will reveal the true length of your penis. By its bushy nature, pubic hair covers over a portion of your manhood, doing you something of a disservice in the process. Stand in front of the mirror after shaving it all away and marvel at your perceived added growth.
2. Lose weight: If you are considerably over-weight, the chances are that you have a large belly that bulges both outward and downward, in the process making your penis look smaller than it is. Lose weight and, as your belly shrinks, the appearance of your penis will become enhanced.
If you would like information on penis enlargement surgery or Non surgical penis enlargement procedures, contact us at Moorgate Andrology today.
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