So, you know you want to do something to rejuvenate your vagina, but you are not sure which way to turn?
There are options of course when it comes to vaginal rejuvenation, and there may be no right or wrong choices.
What is important here is working out the best option for you.
This is usually a process of discovering the potential results of a procedure, assessing the risks and complications of both, and of course, considering the cost implications of both.
In this article, we want to explore the process of choosing the right vaginal rejuvenation procedure for your needs. Remember, though, that as much as we can discuss it here, nothing can beat a consultation with a qualified Urologist or Gynaecologist.
Where to start
Aside from the consultation with the Specialist, there is some homework that you can do yourself to get an understanding of the options and to help shape your thoughts in the early stages of your thought processes.
When it comes to vaginal rejuvenation, we are mostly talking about improving the appearance of the outer vagina. This means either a labiaplasty surgery or a non-surgical procedure to help disguise the appearance of the inner labia. Let’s look at labiaplasty surgery first
Labiaplasty surgery
Well, as the title suggests, this is a surgical procedure. It will be performed in an operating theatre under local or a general anaesthetic. How do you feel about a surgical procedure? Are you willing to undergo a surgical procedure to get the results that you want, or is a surgical procedure out of the question for you?
Check out our complete guide for a more detailed understanding of labiaplasty surgery, including the procedure, recovery, and potential outcomes. It is here: ( The Complete Guide to Labiaplasty Surgery). This blog will provide you with all the necessary information to make an informed decision.
The upside of labiaplasty surgery
The first and perhaps most fundamental point to make here is that a labiaplasty will provide you with a permanent result. Non-surgical options may not do this and require you to attend the clinic for repeat treatments to maintain the results.
A surgical approach may also give more specific and predictable results, especially when it comes to correcting asymmetry of the inner labia.
The downside of labiaplasty surgery
As mentioned, it is a surgical procedure. You will need to take some time off work, typically about one week. So a longer recovery than most non-surgical options. There are also risks associated with surgery, including infection, bleeding, side effects from general anaesthesia etc. The cost of surgery may also be an inhibiting factor, because mostly it will be more costly than a non-surgical procedure.
Non surgical rejuvenation of the vagina
There are a number of treatments available to rejuvenate the vagina, such as labial puff fillers which are very popular now. Laser treatments are also available.
The upside of non-surgical treatments
Recovery is usually much faster for non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures. Treatments such as labial fillers are performed under local anaesthetic and with no time required off work. Apart from a short period without sexual activity or sports, you are back into your normal routine in no time, Similarly, the return to sexual activity is just a few days compared to up to six weeks with surgery.
Non-surgical treatments are generally less invasive and therefore considered lower risk for complications Of course, all procedures carry some element of risk.
Non-surgical treatments usually come with a much lower price tag than surgical procedures.
The downside of non-surgical treatments
Results from most non-surgical treatments are not permanent. Therefore you will need to maintain the results with periodic top-up treatments. Initially, the treatment cost will be much less than a labiaplasty surgery, but over time the costs may work out very similar. Therefore in terms of cost comparisons, this can appear on the upside and downside of the equation, depending on your viewpoint.
You may also have to set your expectations at the right level for some non-surgical procedures. It may not be possible to achieve the same level of results as perhaps a surgical procedure can. This is why it's really important to discuss the potential outcomes and limitations of all options to help you decide.
Conclusion :
There are a number of ways to rejuvenate the vagina, both surgical and non-surgical. There are no right or wrong options in many cases. However, you may find that your Specialist may tell you that the results that you expect cannot be achieved with non-surgical treatments alone. If you wish to avoid surgery, then you may have to accept a less-than-perfect result. On the other hand, if you are looking for subtle changes then a non-surgical approach could be the best option of all. Consider what works with your lifestyle too. Can you afford the time off work for a surgical procedure?
Then, of course, there is the cost. Nowadays, labiaplasty surgery can be easily financed, and most clinics offer a finance option for their patients. Of course, a surgical procedure is still a significant investment, and if the budget is tight, you may wish to explore the cheaper options of a non-surgical procedure. For many minor non-surgical options, clinics offer interest-free option which make them even more affordable.
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