Did you know that the magic blue pill that is Viagra, known for helping erectile dysfunction, is also available in pink for women?
No, neither did I.
There is concrete evidence that Viagra works just as well for women as it does for men.
Viagra works by stimulating blood flow to the genital area, that is why it works well for erectile dysfunction. For women this causes a full tingling feeling in the vagina. Women who have reported taking Viagra say that sex has been better for them with increased sexual satisfaction.
So, now you know. Of course your wife could be taking Viagra and just not be telling you. Everyone knows that a ladies handbag is a bottomless pit, and who knows what lurks in the bottom of there.
It is particularly popular amongst post-menopausal women who suffer from associated conditions such as vaginal dryness. If the vagina is too dry then sexual intercourse can be painful for your partner. Similarly, many women have difficulty getting aroused and there is strong evidence that Viagra can help in this area too.
Just like all medication Viagra comes with potential side effects of course. From a purely selfish point of view if your wife is the one taking the tablets then she will be the one experiencing side effects.
Common side effects include headaches. So, when she says she doesn’t want sex because she has a headache, she may well be telling the truth.
So before you go to the Chemist to buy Viagra for erectile dysfunction (yes you can buy it without prescription now) take a moment to consider if your wife has already beaten you to the chase. After all you wouldn’t want both of you taking it now would you?
Now there’s a thought…
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