Vaginal rejuvenation procedures are becoming increasingly common. More and more women are seeking to rejuvenate their vaginas either due to the fact that they don’t like how the vagina looks, or because there are functional issues that are causing pain and discomfort, or embarrassment.
Over the past few years a number of procedures have become available to make the changes that women want. In this article we will explore the recovery process and what to do and what to look out for in the first days , weeks ad months after a vaginal rejuvenation procedure.
We should start out by saying that you must always follow the advice of your Physician. The aftercare advice will be personalised for you, and this is what you should focus on. This article is meant only as a guide and perhaps it may help you when in consultation about a procedure You could refer to it in your questions to the Surgeon about the procedure.
Essential Aftercare Tips for Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery
1. Stick to the aftercare plan
Remember that many women before you will have undergone the same procedure and followed the same aftercare plan. Aftercare instructions for patients are reviewed and modified periodically, to make sure that they are always up to the date and following the latest guidelines. This is why is it paramount that you stick to the aftercare plan. If you deviate from the plan it could affect the recovery process , perhaps by delaying it, or worse causing a complication. Most aftercare instructions following vaginal rejuvenation surgery follow a similar path. You will usually have a course of antibiotics to take and you will be given pain relief medication on discharge from hospital. Make sure that you complete the course of antibiotics , even if you feel better. Infection is always a risk after any surgery and prevention is better than cure. You may have dressings that need to be changed. Make sure you know how to do this. You will no doubt have a series of follow up appointments. The number of these will depend on the procedure that you have had, and your recovery. Do not miss these appointments, it is very important that your Surgeon has a the opportunity to review your progress, examine the operated are and make sure that your recovery is on track.
2. Post-surgery pain and discomfort
Most surgical procedures involve some element of pain or discomfort. Again, you will normally be discharged from hospital with pain relief medication. Make sure that you take this edication on time , because it will help. In almost all cases this pain relief medication is enough to make you reasonably comfortable in the first week or two after surgery. If you notice increasing pain to the point that the medication is not helping, you should contact the Surgeon right away as this could signify a potential complication such as an infection. Do not self-prescribe, make sure you contact the surgeon and get personal advice.
3. Keep Swelling and bruising under control
Some swelling and bruising is to be expected in the first few weeks after surgery. This tends to settle in the first two weeks or so. There are some initiatives that you could do at home to hekp reduce swelling. A cold compress can help reduce swelling and it can help alleviate pain. Make sure that the ice pack is wrapped in a tea towel or similar, don’t apply ice directly to the operated area. Keep doing this periodically for 10 minutes each time.
You may find that when you stand up the swelling is worse. This is to be expected. You may want to rest in the first few days and not be on your feet for long periods if possible. Remember that the swelling an bruising will settle over time.
4. Keep everything clean
Your Surgeon will give you specific instructions about keeping the vaginal area clean. Most surgical procedures to the vaginal area use dissolvable sutures that will fall out on their own. Check with your surgeon if this is the case of if your sutures will need removing in the clinic. You should avoid any hard rubbing of the area at first. Ding so may increase swelling and disrupt the sutures. However, it is very important to keep the area very clean at all times. When you can take a shower, make sure that the water is not overly hot. In most cases the surgeon will ask you to avoid soaking in the bath. It maybe a few weeks before you can do so.
5. Infection
Almost all patients who undergo vaginal rejuvenation surgery will do so without any post-operative infection. However, infection can happen, even when you are following the post-operative instructions to the letter. There are tell tale signs that an infection may be starting. For example, you may notice that the pain is getting worse not better. The pain may not be properly controlled by the medication you were given. You may have a temperature and feel generally unwell. The area may look more swollen or red and there could be a discharge from the area. If you notice any of these symptoms it is vital that you contact the surgeon right away. You may need a different course of antibiotics. In worst cases a return to the operating theatre maybe required, but this is seldom.
6. Look after yourself
Remember that after a surgical procedure you may feel tired and your spirits may be a little low, especially if you are in some pain and discomfort after the procedure. Time will heal everything of course, but there are some steps you can take to help your recovery go as smoothly as possible.
Try to drink plenty of water after the surgery. Eat a good balanced diet. It is common for some people to experience changes in their bowel habits after a general anaesthetic. If you find that you have constipation , perhaps from taking the post op medication, then eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
If you have a family member that can help you day to day then that would be very useful. You may not feel like doing too many household chores in the first week or two and you may not be able to work for one to two weeks, depending on the procedure.
Don’t be tempted to go back to work too quickly, give your body time to recover
7. What you can do and what you cant do
Your aftercare instructions will no doubt give you clear instructions about day to day activities after the surgery. Remember that the recovery is a process with changes on a day to day basis. In some vaginal rejuvenation procedures you will be restricted from doing gym, sport and sexual activities for up to six weeks. If you return t these activities too soon you could compromise your recovery, so wait and follow the guidelines. This does not mean that you cannot keep moving of course. It does not mean that you need to retire to your bed. Short walks are usually okay and recommended. Remember though that the area will feel sore, so don’t overdo it.
8. See your Surgeon
As we have mentioned before, don’t miss the follow up appointments. Your surgeon will want to examine the area and make sure that everything is settling down as expected. Any post opetaive problems can be identified early and treated if required.
9. The results of your procedure
The recovery is a process that takes several weeks to complete, sometimes even months. How things look on the first day after the surgery is not how things are going to week several weeks down the line. So make sure that your expectations are set and don’t panic if you don’t see the results that you had hoped immediately. Make sure that in the first week your focus is on the recovery not the results, they will come in time. At your consultation you will have been informed of the potential outcome of the surgery by the surgeon. In almost all cases this is indeed the outcome. In a small number of surgical procedures remedial treatments or even more surgery is required to meet the outcome that was originally anticipated.
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