Following your penis enlargement surgery, you will be able to go home the same day after a short recovery period of two to three hours.
But the recovery period from surgery to enlarge your penis can take six weeks, and there will be some things you’ll need to consider during this time.
Your surgeon will give you some instructions to follow to help with your post-op care and you should follow these to minimise the risk of any post-op complications and to speed up your recovery.
To give you an idea of what you can expect when recovering from penis enlargement surgery, read on.
Arrange for someone to collect you from the hospital
Penis enlargement surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic, so you’ll need to arrange a lift home from the hospital. You cannot drive home or go home alone on public transport. You cannot be in a hotel room alone on the night after surgery.
If you struggle to get a lift home, we’ll arrange an overnight stay for you at the hospital or arrange for a driver to take you home.
Arrange for 24-hour care after surgery
Make sure that you are not on your own for the first night after surgery. If this is going to be the case, then we can arrange for you to stay at the hospital for the first night and go home alone on the following day.
Pain relief and dressings
You’ll be given some pain relief when you’re discharged but it’s recommended you have some paracetamol or ibuprofen handy in case you need it.
It’s also a good idea to have some spare gauze and dressings, in case you need to re-dress your penis.
Penis enlargement surgery is not considered to be a particularly painful procedure but you will be given pain relief anyway, just in case you need it.
Follow your course of antibiotics
Although penis enlargement surgery is considered a safe procedure – especially when carried out by one of our specialist surgeons – there’s always a risk of infection following any surgical procedure.
As part of your recovery, you’ll be given a course of antibiotics, so be sure to follow the course to the end, don’t stop taking them just because you feel better
Arrange time off work
You’ll definitely need to book some time off work while you initially recover from your penis enlargement surgery.
Typically speaking if you have a sedentary job, you’ll be able to return to work after two or three days.
If you have a more physical job, you should book at least a week off following your surgery.
Book your follow-up appointments
You may need some follow-up appointments to check on your recovery after surgery. Make sure you get these appointments in your diary and don’t miss them as they’re essential for your post-op recovery. Our patient care team will book your follow-up appointments for you.
Avoid contact sports, gym, and sexual activity
You should avoid all activity for at least six weeks following your penis enlargement surgery or until your urologist says it’s ok. If you do engage in any of the above activities too early, you could set back your recovery and compromise the good results of the surgery.
Massage and hygiene
If you have had a fat transfer to increase your penis girth, you will have some massage to do on a daily basis for two to three minutes, about five times a day. The Urologist will explain how to do this. It’s easy and usually done when you go for a pee. It will help with the fat distribution along the penis shaft in the first few weeks as things settle down.
Keep the area clean and heed the advice about showering. You will be able to take a shower after three days.
You should avoid baths at first until the wounds have healed over the first few weeks.
It is very important to keep everything nice and clean. You may find that the foreskin gets quite tight at first and you may not be able to clean the penis glans fully at first. Over the course of the first few weeks, this will improve, and you will be able to retract the foreskin further.
Keep trying every day and clean what you can. If you are circumcised, then you cannot have this side effect.
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