As seen on Channel 5’s brand new series OMG ‘Boy Beauty Addicts’
First aired 01.00am 17th July 2017,
Watch NOW on Channel 5
Channel 5 chose us for the plastic fantastic show OMG. With male beauty on the rise, here at Moorgate we provided inside access to the extreme measures people are prepared to take in order to achieve body perfection. Featuring on the episode ‘Boy Beauty Addicts,’ we documented a patient’s journey with Moorgate.
Explaining the procedure
‘Boy Beauty Addicts’ featured Dan from Merseyside who came to Moorgate Aesthetics concerned about the size of his manhood in hope for a solution.
We see lots of men who want to increase the size of their penis, most want to make it longer and thicker, some just longer or thicker. However all out patients have one thing in common, they think their penis is smaller than average.
Dan before penis enlargement Gain up to 2 Inches
That word ‘average’ is a contentious one. Driven by the burning question ‘Does size really matter?’
These beliefs stem from various sources, for some it is through past sexual experiences. However, there’s no denying celebrities sculpt, shape and modify their bodies to achieve perfection and the drastic influence the media withholds over ‘body perfection’.
It’s a no brainer that men only need to be told that their penis is small once, and that seed is planted, probably forever. If you’ve done your homework you will know by now Penis Enlargement Surgery is a highly specialised area of cosmetic surgery in the UK.
Moorgate Method
For everything you need to know about Penoplasty Surgery
At Moorgate we set out a tailored plan to get our patients to a place where they feel confident and comfortable with their penis size. That size may be five, six, seven or more inches. In truth it doesn’t really matter, it’s about a size that makes you feel good about yourself.
Facts on Penoplasty
- Over 70% of patients have both the length and girth procedure combined.
- Most men are concerned about the flaccid length of the penis.
- Our procedure increases both the flaccid and erect size of your penis.
Additional Benefits
- More confidence and self esteem
- The penis will appear more in proportion
- Increase in masculinity
- Increase in sexual stamina
- Rejuvenated erection quality
- Increased sensitivity in the penile shaft
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