Time off Work after Penis enlargement surgery
Penis enlargement surgery is still surgery. It is not a beauty treatment !. Remember that you will have had an anaesthetic , albeit only sedation, but this anaesthesia can make you feel tired for a few days afterwards. This is perfectly normal of course, but you must give yourself a little time to recover.
After your penis enlargement surgery you should expect some bruising and swelling after the operation. Again this is to be expected, but if you do quite a manual job, it is essential that you take time to recover after the surgery. If you have had lengthening surgeyr as part of your penis enlargement surgery, then you will have some sutures in the pubic area, which may remain for anything from one to two weeks , depending on the advice from your surgeon. Planning your penis enlargement surgery should be given a little thought to make sure that you have an uncomplicated recovery.
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