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Preparing For Penis Enlargement Surgery | Moorgate Andrology

Written by David Mills | Nov 3, 2019 1:46:47 PM

If you have booked a date to have your penis enlargement surgery then you will need to know what to do to prepare for the procedure. Continue reading to find out.

The surgeon will discuss preoperative preparations with you and will also give you a set of instructions to take away with you which will include the following:

  • Medication: which medicines you can continue to take and those which you must avoid.
  • Smoking: if you smoke then give up or stop at least two weeks before your penis enlargement surgery. Wait for a couple of weeks following surgery before starting again. Smoking can slow down wound healing and also increases the risk of infection so avoid doing so. The surgeon will not operate if you are still smoking at the time of your surgery.
  • Driving: ask someone to drive you to and from the clinic/hospital.
  • Food and drink: you will be advised as to when to have your last meal and drink before your surgery. Do not consume anything on the day of your surgery.
  • Work: you will require a week to rest and recover so arrange time off with your employer.
  • Rest: once you are home you will be required to take things easy. So prepare for this beforehand by ensuring you have enough meals to last you, ice packs, gauze, dressings and scar reducing cream. Make sure you order enough painkillers and any prescription medicine you may require. Also have a good supply of DVDs, magazines and the TV remote control to hand. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and avoid any bending or heavy lifting during this time.

If your surgery is to be performed under a general anaesthetic then you might need an overnight stay in the clinic or hospital. But if you are having a local anaesthetic then you may be able to go home the same day.

You will be asked to sign a consent form before your penis enlargement surgery which is designed as a safeguard for both you and the surgeon. Read through this carefully and if you see anything which you don’t understand then ask. Only sign this when you are satisfied with the answers you have been given.

If you have to stay in hospital then pack a small case with your nightwear, toiletries, any medication you may need and a few books or magazines. Another option is to take an iPod with you.