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Clitoral Hood Reduction: Benefits, Risks, and Why Not to Do It

Written by David Mills | Sep 25, 2024 1:40:11 PM

At Moorgate Andrology we receive many inquiries about clitoral hood reduction surgery. Mostly, as a stand-alone procedure but sometimes in conjunction with another vaginal rejuvenation procedure such as labiaplasty surgery. Indeed many clitoral hood reduction procedures are performed in conjunction with labiaplasty surgery as a complete genital makeover.

Women choose to have clitoral hood reduction surgery and other vaginal rejuvenation procedures for a number of reasons. A common thread through all reasons is a desire to boost self-confidence.

In this article we will explore clitoral hood reduction surgery a little more and go through the procedure , the potential benefits, risks and complications.

The Benefits of clitoral hood reduction surgery

This surgical procedures may have a number of benefits. Every women will have her own reasons for having to done of course, but here are the most common benefits reported by most women

  • Improved aesthetic appearance
  • Increased sexual satisfaction
  • Confidence booster
  • Improved hygiene


As the body ages the vagina can atrophy making it less fuller and youthful. The clitoral hood may also hang lower and many women do not like the appearance of the clitoral hood when it does this. By removing this excess tissue the hood will look better and the exposure of the clitoris can lead to increased sexual satisfaction. Of course, an improved appearance can be a major booster of confidence and can help women move forward with their relationships and sexual lives as a result.

Those with excess clitoral hood tissue can also benefit from better hygiene as a result to the removal of this excess tissue from the area.


The Operation

Clitoral hood reduction surgery can be performed under local or general anaesthetic. You should discuss the type of anaesthetic with the surgeon so that you can make the right choice for you. A local anaesthetic will nub the area and you will be awake for the procedure. A general anaesthetic means that you will be asleep throughout the procedure. If you opt for a general anaesthetic then someone will need to collect you from the hospital.

The surgery itself takes around one hour and is performed by our Senior Urologist, Dr Nenad Djakovic. The surgery involves removing the excess tissue and making the clitoris more visible. If a labia reduction Is to be performed also, then excess inner labial tissue will also be removed to make the inner labia flush with the outer labia.

Following the surgery you will be able to go home on the same day, regardless of the type of anaesthetic chosen.


Your aftercare

Following the surgery you should allow some time off work. In most cases one week is enough. You will have a course of antibiotics to take and you will given some pain relief medication for the first week. It is important to take the full course of antibiotics even if you feel better, everything is done to minimise post-operative infection.

You should rest in the first week after surgery, but there should not be any reason to retire to your bed.

It will be very important to keep the area clean until everything has healed. You will be given post-operative instruction to follow. It may be advisable to take showers at first rather than soak in the bath. Gym , sport and sexual activity should be avoided for six weeks. Activities such as horse-riding and cycling should only be started again when everything has completely healed.


Risks and Potential Complications

Most patients who have clitoral hood reduction surgery do not experience any complications. Of course, all surgery carries risk and you should be aware of them and what to look out for in the event that you should contact the hospital after the surgery. If you are in any doubt it is always best to seek advice. Lets take a look at some of the potential complications of this procedure.

Infection:  Infection of the wound can happen after any surgical procedure. By keeping the wound clean and taking the antibiotics you can help minimise this risk. If you do get an infection it will need to be treated. This will involve further antibiotics. In worst cases it may mean a further operation to clean the wound. Sings of infection include, redness, increasing pain , high temperature, wpund discharge.

Scars : Scars from clitoral hood surgery are discreetly placed and they usually heal with no lasting complications. Sometimes scars from surgery can heal abnormally and may need to be treated to improve them.

Changes in Sensation: Many women who have clitoral hood reduction surgery report increased sensation after the procedure. This is positive outcome of course. However, there may be reduced sensation caused by nerve damage during the surgery. This is rare but possible..

Asymmetry: Another side effect from surgery can be asymmetry. This may be minor that does not require any further treatment. In other cases it may require further treatment to correct it.


Preparing for clitoral hood reduction surgery

Everything starts with a consultation and assessment with the Specialist. This will enable you to find out if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure and what can be achieved from the surgery . You will have the opportunity to ask any questions directly to the specialist and this consultation should help you reach an informed decision.

In the weeks leading up the surgery you will be given some pre-operative instructions that are important to follow.

It can be helpful to keep to a balanced diet before surgery and avoid excessive alcohol intake.

If you have young children you may some help and support in the first few weeks.

You should stop smoking six weeks before and six weeks after surgery. Smoking can lead to delayed wound healing and increase the risk of infection.

Why not to do clitoral hood reduction surgery

You should not proceed with surgery if you have unrealistic expectations of the procedure. In your consultation your Specialist will have made clear what is possible and what is not possible in terms of the surgical outcome. Be sure that you know exactly what can be achieved to avoid disappointment later on.

Make sure that you are doing the surgery for you. If you are doing to to please a partner then you may not be happy with the outcome.

If you're interested in a more detailed overview of clitoral hood surgery, including its potential benefits, risks, and what the recovery process looks like, check out our comprehensive guide on Understanding Clitoral Hood Surgery: Benefits, Risks, and What to Expect.


Clitoral hood reduction surgery is a common procedure performed in the UK by Urologists, Gynaecologists, and Plastic Surgeons. Most patients who have this procedure are very happy with the results and proceed with the surgery without any complications, going on to make a successful recovery. You should be aware though that all procedures carry risks, and you must be prepared to accept them. Make sure that you consult with a qualified surgeon at Moorgate Andrology and Gynaecology, and that the procedure is performed in a hospital environment. Ensure that you have access to good aftercare.