Blog - Moorgate Andrology and Gynaecology

Penis enlargement surgery in Birmingham - Moorgate Andrology

Written by David Mills | Feb 28, 2013 8:22:37 PM

The men of the midlands are no strangers to penis enlargement surgery. After London, we get more enquiries for penis enlargement surgery than any other city in the United Kingdom.
Well, Birmingham is the United Kingdoms second city so that should be no surprise.

Birmingham men are more than prepared to travel for penis enlargement surgery. They are focussed on the skills of the Surgeon, always a good start, and the enthods to enlarge the penis.

Of all possibilities with penis enlargement surgery, penis thickening is the most requested procedure from Birmimgham men. They see thickening of the penis as the most important part and they are less concerned with lengthening surgery ( although both procedures done at the same time are still the most requested across the United Kingdom )

The prospect of travelling to London for consultation and surgery does not fase Birmingham men out at all. In fact, we have had enquiries from Birmingham for overseas penis enlargement surgery. Sadly, this is something that we dont have in our black book. Usually, requests for penis enlargement surgery abroad are based on price. Patients are less concerned about quality and that is never a good starting poinT.

Because the procedure is performed as a daycase, Birmingham men can be home later on the same day as their procedure. If you are returning to Birmingham after your penis enlargement surgery you will not be able to drive. This is because the procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and sedation. You might still feel a little drowsy and your insurance company are unlikely to cover you in such circumstances. Travelling home by train is fine but it is important to have someone with you.

Men are usually well prepared for their surgery, and that includes men from Birmingham. They are keen to improve themselves and there is no sign of that waning anytime soon.