When it comes to pills and potions, it’s hard to know where to start.
Ask yourself, if there REALLY was a pill or potion that was scientifically proven to solve your problem , do you think anyone would have surgery?
Well, that does not stop people rom buying them of course, and this is a multi-million-pound consumer market.
You cannot help notice that these pills and potions seem to be derived from all corners of the globe.
Of course, it’s easy to be flippant when you are working with Urology Specialists as we do at Moorgate. They have scientific minds, and for them the proof has to exist, having to have stood the test of the best of the medical establishment and its protocols and assessments.
If you have a health condition that is affecting your genitals, then seek professional help and do not buy pills and potions from the internet. At best they will do nothing but at worst they can cause harm.
If you are in any doubt , ask a professional such as a urologist or seek the guidance of your family Doctor

Make an appointment for an initial consultation today. We can go through some facts and figures with you and explain all the different payment options that we have, including interest-free finance.

Do your homework well and always seek professional advice when considering any surgery or treatment to the genital area
One day someone somewhere will find that miracle pill.
Medicine and science is changing and evolving continually. Maybe once day pills and potions will be developed that can solve some problems that currently require surgical intervention or out patient medical treatment.
Until then , we repeat, seek medical advice and get professional help.