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If you are looking to undergo a genital surgery or non-surgical procedure here is our free checklist to help you get to the right place and right treatment that’s perfect for you.
The DO’s of choosing a Specialist
Do: Seek the Specialist advice from a GMC qualified Urologist for Penis Enlargement surgery and Penis Fillers. Seek the Specialist advice from a GMC qualified Urologist or Gynaecologist for any vaginal procedure.
This should make narrowing your choices much easier. Check the credentials of your Doctor on the General Medical Council register. The GMC has a website that makes it easy to check this in minutes. Copy and paste this link to go to the website and check the qualifications of your Doctor. https://www.gmc-uk.org/
If it does not say Urologist or Gynecologist , then the Doctor is NOT a Urologist or Gynaecologist. This should be your minimum requirement for your procedure.
Checking the GMC register will also tell you of the good standing of the Physician with the GMC. It will advise you if the Doctor has any record of disciplinary hearings etc
Do: Choose a clinic with all options at their disposal. Some clinics focus only on one aspect,or treatment, therefore limiting your choices. . Get the full picture from a Specialist with a broad set of skills. If you do this, you can be assured of an unbiased opinion, and the Specialist will focus on the right procedure for you based on your requirements. When you do your research you will see there is a lot of misinformation on the internet, especially from some penis filler clinics that do not provide factual information about penis enlargement surgery.
Do: Ensure that you have a full in-depth consultation with the Urologist or Gynecologist who will perform your procedure. This should take around half an hour. All aspects should be discussed, including the potential results of your procedure, risks and complications, time off work etc
Do: Get full written confirmation of everything that is included in your procedure.
Do: Ask for written confirmation of the fees. Check for ways to pay. Finance may be available for example. Check if you can pay by credit cards and which ones are accepted.
Do: Plan properly for your procedure. Some important considerations might be:
- Time off work. All surgical procedures require some time off work.
- Abstinence from sex for a while. Again surgical procedures will require some healing time before you can engage in sexual activity again
- No sport or gym for a while if you have had a surgical procedure.
Do: Ensure that you understand not only the benefits but also the potential risks and complications of the procedure. All procedures carry risks, most Patients do not experience them, but you need to be aware of them.
Do: Have confidence in the medical team. There are some fantastic Urologists and Gynaecologists in the UK, carrying out aesthetic and functional Urology and gynaecology procedures, we know, we have them here.
Do: Have the procedure for your own self-confidence, and to make you feel better about yourself, it is not about anyone else. This procedure is all about you.
Don’t: Choose a clinic or Surgeon purely based on the price. Ask yourself why some clinics might offer you a significantly cheaper price than the average. What is being compromised (apart from you)?
Don’t: Be disorganised. Plan time off work if you are having a surgical procedure. Some procedures may not require any time off work, while others do. Ask your Specialist about time off work and plan your procedure accordingly.
Don’t: Do what many people do, ignore a problem. If you are unsure about anything after your treatment or surgery call the clinic or Doctor. If you have any questions or concerns pick up the phone. We have dedicated post treatment and post-surgery staff whose job is to look after you and provide you with support. They can arrange a follow up appointment for you with the Specialist whenever required.
Don’t: Ignore the aftercare advice. Follow it to the letter to ensure that you have a good recovery. Please do not short cut the aftercare advice. If you do, you could compromise the results of your surgery or treatment. Follow the advice to the letter for the best results and to minimise the risk of any complications. If you are unsure about any aspect of your aftercare speak to our patient care team, or if you are having a procedure elsewhere make sure you know who you should speak to if you have a problem.
Don’t: Have sex too soon after treatment or surgery. This is not good, and you will spoil the results. In truth, most patients adhere to this rule. Where they don’t they run the risk of compromising the outcome and inviting problems such as infection.
Don’t: Ignore the Specialists advice. Listen to your Doctor. They will have performed many procedures like yours and they know how your recovery is supposed to go.
Don’t: Expect miracles. Understand exactly what the expected outcome of your surgery will be. You will find that your Specialist will take time to discuss the expected outcome with you in great detail. If you are unsure, make sure you tell the Specialist so you have a completely clear understanding of the results.
Don’t: Suffer in silence. There is help available. Here are some of the more common reasons why Patients seek the help of Specialists
The Penis
- The penis is too small
- The penis is too big (very rare, but it does happen)
- The Penis is bent in an unnatural angle, so called Peyronies disease
- The foreskin of the penis is too tight, so called Phimosis
- Sagging skin on the scrotum
- Missing testicles
- Small Testicles
- Excess pubic fat or excess pubic skin
- Vasectomy
- Erection problems
The Vagina
- The vagina feels not as tight as before
- Sexual pleasure is diminished
- Protruding or uncomfortable labia
Of course, Urologists and Gynaecologisys carry out many more procedures than this. The National Health Service will perform many more functional Urology procedures connected with the bladder and kidneys for example. Gynaecologists carry out many female genital procedures and many are also experts in Obstetrics.
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